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The Soul Tablet

In your spiritual essence, you are an image of Spirit. Your soul is an immortal being of light.
Your personality serves as a pseudo-soul. Fashioned from the fabric of your experiences and perceptions, it becomes a mortal garment for your immortal soul, enabling it to observe the finite world we call home.

The Soul Tablet is the initial arrangement of the cards, arranged in their natural or “perfect” order. This tablet is said to reveal the journey of the soul, unrestricted by the law of cause and effect. By connecting with the positive meaning of your Soul Card, you bring forth your most powerful, creative qualities.

Perfect and Life Spreads
Arne Lein 1989

arne leins soul and life card spreads form whats your card

Perfect and Mundane Spreads
Florence Evylinn Campbell, M.A. 1947

The Soul and Life Tablet of Cards from Sacred Symbols of the Ancients

Soul and Life Tablets Metasymbology 2012

Metasymbology's soul and life tablets