What's Inside
Predictions and Guidance
364 PREDICTIONS, including the GUIDANCE you need to make the most out of every 52-day cycle of time.
Illustrated Card Spreads
No cards required. The New Game has 90 Illustrated Card Spreads: the game boards that reveal your PAST, PRESENT and FUTURE.
Rules of the Game
Easy to follow instructions on how to read your cards, illustrated with EXAMPLES and VISUAL GUIDES.
Secrets of the Cards
Discover amazing secrets hidden within each card, and how to use this information to make the best out of every card you are dealt.
It's All in the Cards!
Read it on your favorite device.
From eReaders to laptops to iPads to desktops to smartphones, The New Game is an EPUB that is readable on every device.
Each chapter is a fantastic journey through cycles of time, cosmic laws and galaxies of insight. You will never look at playing cards the same way again!
- Learn about the Seven Players who are holding your cards.
- Outwit your opponents and help your friends.
- Find out what it really means to play your hand well.

A word from the Author
My first book, The 52-Card Readers Handbook was intended for readers with a basic understanding of the esoteric meaning of playing cards. Its wide-spread success surprised me and made me realize how many people were not only "getting it", but eager to learn more. Thus I decided to write The New Game, 52-Day Cycles of Time, a book filled to the brim with easy to read insight for everyone to enjoy!
"A ship in the harbor is safe, but that's not what ships are for." This quote by J.A. Shedd (1928) has always inspired me. For we are the masters of our destiny and the captains of our ship, and sail we must.
For over 20 years I have been crafting the best tools possible to help you navigate your journey and reach the destiny of your choosing. We all have the independence to make our own choices. And you have free will to use universal laws that will create balance in your life, prosperity and love. My goal has always been to show you how.